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1861 Dec 17 Tues

arrived.  Old Pe-tat-to with him.  To-morrow morning I & my party start back for the ship.
I have put down in tabular form the prices - or articles paid for the skins I have purchased - also for what I paid for Seko-sela bow & arrows, & sledge.

To Koo-choo-ar choo for 2 Fine skins one of size equal to 2 ordinary ones
1 snow knife
1 shot Pouch filled with shot
1 Box (250) Water Proof Caps
1 Ood-loo Woman's Knife
few string Supungers (beads)
Some To-bac-co
For Seal skin Box Common Percussion Caps (100)
Sent him also some Buck-shot & powder

To Neu-Wat-chee for 2 skins
1 Box Water Proof Caps (250)
1 Snow Knife
15 Musqett Balls
1 Woman's Knife (Ood-loo)
Some Supungers (beads)
& 2 rings for the wife's hair (A)
When he came to ship gave him some shot
(A) (A)

For going with me
To Kook-smit gave a seal knife 
1 lb powder - & few needles 
To Smith & Blar. wool shirt & pipe
& 3 plugs tobacco

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1861 Dec 17 Tues

To Oo-soo-Kar-loo for 2 skins (short hair)
1 Box Water proof (250) Caps
1 Slug tobacco

To Allokee for 1 pair Ook-gook soles
1/2 Box Common Caps

To Ook-gook-al-lo for sledge Bow & arrows & Walrus Ivory
1 1/2 Box (150) Common Caps
1 Cheap pocket Knife
20 Musqett Balls
Some shot & powder
(A) (A)

To Ku-su-e-geer for Ivory tusks (2)
Box Caps (100)

These prices are large but under the [[underlined]] present circumstances [[/underlined]] would not be bought for less.
Those marked (A) are at the ship.  Some one of the men Innuits is going to pay a visit to the ship soon.  Puk-e-ne-yer thinks she shall go too.  Of course I have had to make presents of pipes, tobacco & needles to the Innuits.
The weather is indicative of a storm but if possible shall start back early to-morrow morning.

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1861 Dec 17 Tues

I intended to spend 2 or 3 more days here to survey the Inlet where I went yesterday.  But for this or these reasons I cannot do it.  
I have no provisions along with me.  The Innuits here are all hard up for living.  They cannot according to their inflexible custom go out to capture Walrus till they get through working upon Took-too clothing.  After commencing the Walrus hunt, not one is allowed to work on rein-deer skins.  All the women are now busily engaged making up the Winter rig.  The Innuits here keep but small Ik-ku-mers (Fire-lights) burning as they have but little Ook-sook (oil).  They do no cooking when short of oil.  It is with difficulty that I have been able to get my native stockings dried.  By the by, I purchased with some 

(17 Columns in to-day's Record)

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"On Board "George Henry"
Wednesday Dec 18 1861
17 Columns in this day's record.

29.0  AM  -14°
29.025  M  -15°
29.05  PM  -15°

Back again - through in one day!

More of Frobisher's Expedition!
The [[strikethrough]] Ship [[/strikethrough]] Vessel of the 5 White men of [[underlined]] two [[/underlined]] Masts!
The identical spot to where the Kod-lu-nars who built the vessel on Kod-lu-narn (near 1578) towed the vessel & put in the Masts, pointed out to me to-day!
I begin now with leaving Toong-wine.
At 3 O'clock this Morning Kook-Smit &