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1862 Jan. 2d Thurs.

gave her some time since.  She done as I told her but not effecting the purpose desired, I went over this Morning carrying a bottle of Castor Oil.  Of this I gave her three table spoonfuls.
I was some amazed at the intrest & astonishment Ebierbing, Tuk-oo-li-too & Koo-ou-le-arny exhibited at the simple process by which I loosened the ground glass stopper of the Castor Oil Bottle.  When I 1st went into the Igloo I tried to take out the stopper but could not start it.  The others tried but met with no better success.  
Tuk-oo-li-too was making some Black Tea over the Ik-Ku-mer (Fire-Light).  Soon as it was hot, at my request, Tuk-oo-li-too dipped a small strip of cotton cloth into it.  I immediately wound it around the neck of the Bottle next the stopper.  A few moment's application of this sufficed to loosen said stopper to the great surprise of my friends!
The Igloo of Ebierbing is nearly ready to 

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1862 Jan 2d Thurs

tumble in.  One side of the dome has bent down several inches from its original position.  It is surprising that it does not fall.  The cause of it thus giving way is that too hot fires have been kept up within.  The blocks of snow of wh. Igloo was built are not encased by one solid mass of ice inside.
I have been contemplating what is [[underlined]] best [[/underlined]] for me to do this Winter & the coming Spring.  My purpose has been for some time to make a complete survey of this Bay.  (At the moment (2PM) I was writing the world 'Bay' Capt. B. called me 

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1862 Jan 2d Thurs.

to - [[underlined]] Pemican [[/underlined]] - that is, to dinner!  Before we were through, Mate Rogers entered the Main Cabin, having just returned with the Innuit "Sharkey" from his trip on to the land between the West side of this Bay & "Countess of Warwick's Sound".  He announced the unexpected NEWS that [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] of the men of the "George Henry" who left a few days since with the Innuits purposing to live with them this Winter at Oo-pung-ne-wing, were on their return to the ship, having with them their beds, bags, & baggage!
I have written 'unexpected NEWS' - & so indeed it was for only 3 days since some of these men left the vessel, each having 6 Cakes of Bread & a liberal piece of 'Muk-tuk' (Black Skin) as they departed.
Thirty minutes after Rogers returned, these men arrived at the vessel telling doleful tales of their sufferings.  They say (or some of them) that they did-nt know but they should die before they could get back.  John Gray says that he has had but one meal since he went over there.  Others say that 'the Innuits gave them a little, small piece of "Whale skin" yesterday morning for breakfast & another of same size this.'  When asked if they (the Innuits) did not give them as much & as good as as they (the Innuits) themselves had? they 

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1862 Jan 2d. Thurs

replied that they did.  One was asked what had become of his 6 cakes of Bread? he replied that he had given away some & eaten the rest.  I am happy to record that all speak well of the treatment of the Innuits.
There is no mistake but the situation of our condition is beginning to be realized - & realized too by some who have not fully comprehended what act my heart prompted me to do in their behalf.
The return of these men puts a different face upon the matters I was about writing when called to dinner by Capt. B.
I was about to say] My purpose (I recapitulate 4th, 3d & a part of 2d line from bottom 4th column this day's record) has been for some time to make a complete survey of this Bay, Budington Bay & that portion of Frobisher Bay from Extreme Land to Og-bier see-o-ping (where the Whaling depot was last Spring) the coming Spring.  But to this purpose, during serious contemplation through the night long of what [[underlined]] is my duty, [[/underlined]] I came