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Thursday Jan 9th 1862

29.0  AM  -22°  N.E.  Light  Cloudy & thick
28.9  M  -18°  N.E.  Mod. Breeze  Cloudy & thk
28.85  PM  -12°  N.E.  " " " "  [[dittos for: Mod. Breeze  Cloudy & thk]]

At hOne-m30 PM a Kem-muk-sin (dogs sledge) came rapidly from the N.E. to the vessel.  Fifteen minutes after, Bailey & Comstock arrived having allowed the dogs to have a run to the vessel without any load.  Bailey has been absent 8 Days.  They report that yesterday Innuit "Jim Crow" saw a group of six rein-deer - fired at one wounded it badly, but it effected its escape.  Koo-jes-se saw a group of 60 - snapped two caps but the gun failed to respond.  Partridges plenty - the Innuits have shot 20 since Lamb went up - have also killed one rabbit.  Ebierbing & Kood-loo with sledge & dogs went out to-day to try the travelling by the route leading from the head of this Bay to Budington Bay.  After proceeding a few miles, returned reporting they found the snow a less obstacle than they expected.  Ebierbing & Kood-loo made this preliminary trip with the object of moving their families up to Oo-Kood-lear (Budington Bay) if they found the travelling passable.
Lamb sent 2 small pieces Venison - enough for breakfast to-morrow.  
The prolonged discussion to-night between Capt B. & myself, subject: "The South"!

Breakfast = Coffee & Bread  Dinner = Pemican  Supper = Coffee, Bread & "Blk. Skin".

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Friday, Jan 10th 1862

28.85  AM  -10°  N W  Fresh  Cloudy, but open clds
28.85  M  -16°  N W  Strong " " " " [[dittos for: Cloudy, but open clds]]
28.9  PM  -22°  N W  Fresh  Fair  (Moon & Venus)

One year ago to-day since starting on my trip with Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too for Budington Bay where I spent many days.  Was absent from ship 43 days, sleeping 42 nights in Ig-loo.
Annawa & family started off this morning for "Countess of Warwick's Sound".  He has to return for balance of his things.
Ebierbing & Koodloo started off to-day with a load of their effects intending to go as far as they can, depositing them & returning to-day.
If fair to-morrow, Ebierbing removes his family intending to go to Oo-Kood-lear where he will remain till about the time the ship breaks out - when He & T. will return to be in readiness to go with me to America.
At 4 PM Smith (Robt. Smith) returned being unable to stand it longer.  Have eaten up all the "Black Skin" he carried over & as the old Innuit has been unsuccessful in sealing, Smith concluded

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1862 Jan 10 Fri

to make for the ship with "bag & baggage".  Smith has been absent since he last left the vessel 8 days!  The old Innuit went out sealing few days since, was gone 3 days & nights but returned unsuccessful.
Tuk-oo-li-too visited me to-day.  While here I got her to act Interpreter in conversing with "Sharkey" relative to the island Resolution & the smaller ones near it.
The Innuit name of "Resolution" Island.  Too-jar-too-ark - a smaller one to the N.W. of it.
One N. of it Too-ja Och-pun
One W.  Too-jar-oo-chin
Och-pun is a small Island, high & all rock.  Resolution Island (Too-jar-too-ark) is a large high Island (but not so high as Och-bun)
A great many years ago plenty Took-too on Too-jar-too-ark but they all died because the 

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1862 Jan 10 Fri

Took-too food was all gone!
Can see Och-pun & Too-jar-too-ark from the highest land on N side Frobisher Bay - say from Og-bier-see-u-ping or the land near Lupton Strait.  Innuits never cross the Bay direct to either of the above Isds from the N. side but go up to Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a then across to Kin-gaite side & follow the coast S.E.
[[underlined]] Very high & strong tide [[/underlined]] around those islands & around the point of main land (Kin-gaite) next to them.  Cannot see land on South side Hudson Strait from the Coast N Side said strait.  I asked the question if Innuits could not see land on other side said Strait from the high land of Kin-gaite?  Sharkey said Innuits cannot go to top said high land on account of Se-ko (ice) up there all the time!