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[[left margin]]
h m
IV - 00
[[/left margin]]
Start from 23d Enc
IV-00 wind N.W. Fresh
Cloudy! Cloudy!! not
a sun for Ob/ for Lat
Since leaving 16 Enc:
or for Time[[guess]] Long. Since 19th Enc & then [[sun symbol]] obscure!
[[image - drawing of shoreline (horizontal) with an offshore island with following annotations: 'X 23d Enc', line like a course route from Enc 23 around the island and along that line in channel below the island, 'N & S by Comp']] 
Rough, heavy sea - rolling - pivoting & sending over now & then our Boats side White Caps! We experienced same here coming up

Transcription Notes:
Wonder if his watch must have stopped at 19th Encampment? mandc: Doubt it. Have to check later pages to see if he made further time related readings. I think the entry means it was so cloundy that he could not see the sun to determine Latitude or Longitude because the sun "?" not visible. For a description of the voyage depicted in this image, see pp 416-18 in Hall's book. See also page 426 of Hall's book: "A short distance from Gold Cove we made our twenty-third encampment, on the south side of Jones's Cape, not far from the fourth encampment."