Viewing page 10 of 239

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PM. Obs Ap. Time deducted from [[?]] Obs.
VIII - 35 - 55 69[[degree symbol]] - 45[[symbol]] 
[ h m s
[ 3 - 50 - 07
37 - 05 30 8 - 37 - 40
38 - 15 15 4 - 47 - 33 = Chro. Fract on Aprime
39 - 25 68 - 00
Means VIII - 37 - 44 69[[degree symbol]] - 07[[symbol]] - 30[[symbol]]
[[left margin vertical boxed]]
On 33[[symbol]]
Large Sex. Off 30[[symbol]]
[[?]] ) 3[[symbol]]
- [[?]] - 30[[symbol]]
[[/left margin vertical boxed]]
VIII - 40 - 30 [[symbol]] to Left to S.E. Ex of Land S Side Rescue Bay ^[[bet Frobishers Rt Bay]] ]
[[encircled in right margin]]
112[[degree symbol]] - 57
113[[degree symbol]] - 12
113[[degree symbol]] - 40
^[[113 - 46[[?]]
[[/encircled in right margin]]
41 - 30 [[symbol]] " " " " " " " " " " [[dittos for: to Left to S.E. Ex of Land S Side Rescue Bay ^[[bet Frobishers Rt Bay]]
43 - 20 [[symbol]] " " " " " " " " " " " [[dittos for: to Left to S.E. Ex of Land S Side Rescue Bay ^[[bet Frobishers Rt Bay]]
[[in pencil]] [[line]]
VIII - 41 - 47 [[/in pencil]] Bearing ^[[of above Sun marked S. E. Ex]] by Az. Compass 165[[degree symbol]](Rd 346[[degree symbol]] reading
VIII - 45 - 06 67[[degree symbol]] - 45[[symbol]] 
[[encircled strikethrough]]
I think I made an aspmore[[guess]] see[[guess]] ^[[ [[?]] ]] 
distance of Sun to S.E. Ex. The error 10[[degree symbol]]
on each too small - The correction will
make them read 122[[degree symbol]] - 57[[feet symbol]]; 123[[degree symbol]] - 12[[symbol]]; 123[[degree symbol]] - 40[[symbol]]
[[/encircled strikethrough]]
Bearing of Ship from place Astronomical Obs. 358[[degree symbol]] - 30[[symbol]]
" " [[dittos for: Bearing of]] Look Out Mt. 359[[degree symbol]]; Grinnell Mt. 342[[degree symbol]].
Budington Mt 336[[degree symbol]]; Middle Parker's Bay 45[[degree symbol]]
French Head 108[[degree symbol]]; Entrance to the Bay extending toward Og-bin-su-o-ping
108[[degree symbol]]; Entrance to Lupton Channel 119[[degree symbol]]; G. T Jones Mt 128
S.E. Ex of Land bet. Frobisher Bay 165[[degree symbol]]; Middle 1st Channel from
[[strikethrough]] Ex. of [[/strikethrough]] S.E. Ex. point 160[[degree symbol]]; Middle 2d Channel down wh. I made my passage 1 year ago in going to the [[?]]y Ex Isd. 152[[degree symbol]] = {Ebirnbing & Kood-loo} with me. "Monumental Island" 200[[degree symbol]]. The Isd Capt B. Calls "N. Frobisher" 220[[degree symbol]] "Duck Island" 208[[degree symbol]]; The Ex of Land (Cape) N side entrance to
Rescue Bay 207 about 2 miles dist. The Bluff Sing-eye-yen on the other side the above narrow cape in line with bottom of Bay but this & [[strikethrough]] N.E. [[/strikethrough]] the above Cape 269[[degree symbol]]; Cyrus W Field Mt.347
[[image - Shoreline & islands with circled A, B, C and X points marked on map: small island at top - B
beginning of shoreline, land left, water right - A
peninsula point offshore to three tiny islands - C, there is a large bay with an island in the middle and another peninsula [[encircled]] X [[/encircled]] ]]
[[encircled]] X [[/encircled]] Point of Ob at 2st Enc. 1/4 mile to Coast [[?]].
[[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] Bluff of Sing-eye-en
[[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] Duck Isd.
[[encircled]] C [[/encircled]] Cap at Ex. on N side entrance R. Bay
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[left column]]
Sextant Angles
S. E. Ex ^[[to right]] to French Head 75[[degree symbol]] - 10[[symbol]]
W. Side Lupton Channel to left to S.E. Ex = 45[[degree symbol]] - 45[[symbol]]
S. [[strikethrough]] E. [[/strikethrough]] Ex ^[[to right]] to G. T. Jones Mt. 36
S. E. Ex to ^[[left]] Cape N. Side
Entrance to Rescue Bay = 43[[degree symbol]] - 45
[[/left column]]
[[vertical line separating columns]] 
[[right column]]
Ship ^[[to left]] to French Head 94[[degree symbol]] - 00[[symbol]]
A prominent Cape (Be G. T.Jones
Mt & S. E. Ex) [[strikethrough]] to G. T. Jones Mt [[/strikethrough]] to left.
to S. E. Ex. 20[[degree symbol]] - 30[[symbol]]
[[/right column]]
Monday June 9th/62 h 3 PM
On the same stop as on Sat. and the hill [[encircled X]])
S.E. E of Land but this is Frobisher Bay             Sextant Angles
by Compass =  =  =  =  =  165[[degree symbol]] - 00               [Bluff Sing-exe - [[?]] (to Left)
Ship  =  =  =  =  = 359[[degree symbol]]                [to the Ship 89[[degree symbol]] - 26[[symbol]]
"Look Out" Island (height) = 359[[degree symbol]]
"French Head" 90[[degree symbol]]
[ Two small islands ^[[sea-ward]] I now see that ]
[ I have not before noticed (Be ]                
[ Monumental Isd & S.E. Ex. of Land ]             
[ but this & Frobisher Bay ]                      
[ one bears - - - - - 180[[degree symbol]] ]
[ the other Isd. bears - - - - - 182[[degree symbol]] ]
[ The ^[[middle of]] point of Land bet. place of Obs ]
[ & coast etc S by Compass ]                           
{ Now all Land except that run by }
{ closed from view by thick snow }
{ storm                          }

Transcription Notes:
Comment from the Transcription Team: It is more challenging to key in special characters, so our instruction ask you not to worry too much about them, just do the best you can. However, when one is able to produce the special characters, we welcome them. As long as the characters look right, we can leave them in place. Thank you. Transcription Center Team Edited: Not sure transcription requires that entries be made that would replicate the page. My understanding is information to be digitized for future reference and searching. I also understand from transcription services that using keyboard symbols such as the degree symbol creates problems when the text is uploaded to the final database so replaced these symbols with text, also transcriber notes better in Notes field rather than in body of transcribed page. Clarification would be great. These pages are difficult and I admire any who take them on to transcribe! Kudos. Also added end and start of page, text denoted by ditto marks on page, made word corrections where possible, reformatted image For clarity I have typed lines in calculations rather than use "[[Underlined]]" so that the transcription reflects what is shown on the Journal page. [[there are two columns of figures, not sure if related or not but shown as they appear on the page]]