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Through the channel thence Easterly to the Ex Isd. These sights taken on small Island where I & Kok-su-zhen[[guess]] have awaited near 3 hours: On the report of guns proceede -
[[underlined]] Start [[/underlined]] h 3 - m 00 Stop  h 3 - m 30, 2 1/2 Ms. per h. [[symbol)]] 260[[degree symbol]] Start h 3 - m 5 Stop 3 - 52; Start h 3 - m 55 Stop [[strikethrough]] 3-55 [[/strikethrough]] h 4 - m 00. To this point from the small island Course 260 2 1/2 Ms. per hour. For various reasons stated in Journal ^[[of this day]] turn back intending to resume the contemplated trip in four days. 
[[image - coastline across 3/4 of page, with two peninsulas, land at top, water below, dotted line from first peninsula marked encircled B, around tip of larger peninsula marked encircled A, then traversing a small island heading NE and just ending without destination but headed toward shore labeled 'Sing-eye-yen'. Onshore first peninsula are three small triangles labeled '1st Enc' and below the tents an 'X' labeled 'Place of Obs'.]] 
Start IV - 30 Around [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] on same [[strikethrough]] course [[/strikethrough]] Tack - we had made out V - 10 - Arrived [[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] V - 55 3 miles per hour
V - 55
IV - 30
1 - 25 - 1.4167 x 3 = 4.2501 miles Approximately the dist. X marks 1st Enc.
After and interval with old Oo-Ki-jox-y-ni-noo started for ship - VIII - 40 Arrived ^[[ship]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] XI - 30 making the distance as by D.R. on Sat 6 84/100 in h 2 - m 50. See Daily Journal of this day.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Note in left margin separated from note to the right by a vertical line]] 
1st Enc 
[[/note in left margin]]  
On sledge trip to Og-bier-see-o-ping Bay of Frobisher Saturday June 14 1862
Start ^[[23d h]] h XI - m 30 Chr (VI - 30 AM) Arrive Rescue Harbor [[underlined]] h 0 XII - m 35 & stop [[/underlined]] Ship bears by As: A 14[[degree symbol]]; Budington Mt. 250; Heights of "Look-Out" Mt. 110[[degree symbol]]; [[underlined]] Start 0 h XII - m 40 [[/underlined]] from R. Hr; [[underlined]] Stop h 1 - 27 [[/underlined]] having passed from R. Hr to this [[Note: hashmark of five vertical strokes crossed with diagonal stroke]] VII - 40 Pes[[guess]] 
[[underlined]] Start h 1 - m 35; Stop h 2 - m 40 [[/underlined]] (IX - 40 AM) at Ebierbing's & Kood-loo's tupiks, place of ^[[my]] Enc. made 1 week ago on my proposed trip to Bud. Bay; the number of paces from ^[[the]] time of starting (1 - 35) being [[Note: two hashmarks of five vertical strokes crossed with diagonal stroke]] 11 ^[[65]]: Same Course as made one week ago to ^[[this]] same place ^[[as on Sat last]]  The whole distance from Ship to this walked. My 2 only servicable dogs driving the sledge laden with Innuits sleeping bags, 4 days provisions & small tin trunk of [[underlined]] et cetera [[/underlined]].

Transcription Notes:
Ink blead-through very bad on this page making transcription difficult. Here again, did some transcribing, saved and exited. Returned to find none of the transcription was saved. Gave up for now. Started again, see how it goes. Transcribed in the Journal box over the transcription box so the the transcription looks like the Journal page. This sledge trip described on page 543-546 of Hall's book "Arctic Researches, And Life Among The Esquimaux: Being A Narrative Of An Expedition In Search Of Sir John Franklin In The Years 1860, 1861 and 1862." The "hashmarks" may be counts of "throwing the sledge-log," illustrated on page 512, and demonstrated on page 539, a method of measuring distance travelled.