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[[image - Left to right: Front row - Luchielle McDaniels (Bay area), Salaria Kee O'Reilly (Akron, Oh.), Pat Roosevelt (N. Y.), James Yates (N. Y.), Chisholm (Seattle). Back row: Oscar Hunter (N. Y.) and Vaughn Love (N. Y.)]]

munist Party senatorial candidate in the Spanish elections, who spent 18 years in Franco's prison. She paid tribute to the Lincoln Vets and the Black vets in particular.

Introduced to the audience was Vinie Burrows, Black actress and playwright; Scott Garen, young film-maker who helped in the production of a Lincoln Battalion documentary on television. He was presented with an award by the VALB.

Presented as the finale of the program was a filmed documentary titled, "Saga of the Afro-American Soldiers of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (Battalion)," produced by Antar Sudan Katara Mberi, Black workingclass poet, member of the Young Workers Liberation League (YWLL) and Lucha Hamilton whose narration reflected the spirit of those stirring times.

Henry Foner, president of the Furriers Joint Board acted as master of ceremonies.


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[[image - Hon. George W. Crockett, Jr.]]

[[image - Henry Winston, National Chairman, CPUSA, and James Steele, National Chairman, Young Workers Liberation League (YWLL), greet veteran Pat Roosevelt.]]

[[image - view of the audience]]