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the said Indians, they to receive the same rate per acre for it, less the number of acres assigned in lieu of it for a home, as now paid for the land south of said line.

Article 2. The Omahas agree, that so soon after the United States shall make the necessary provision for fulfilling the stipulations of this instrument, as they can conveniently arrange their affairs, and not to exceed one year from its ratification, they will vacate the ceded country, and remove to the lands reserved herein by them, or to the lands provided for in lieu thereof, in the preceding articles, as the case may be.

Article 3. The Omahas relinquish to the United States all claims, for money or other thing, under former treaties, and likewise all claim which they may have heretofore, at any time, set up, to any land on the east side of the Missouri river: Provided, The Omahas shall still be entitled to and receive from the Government, the unpaid balance of the twnety-five thousand dollars appropriated for their use, by the act of thirtieth of August, 1851.

Article 4. In consideration of and payment for the country herein ceded, and the relinquishments herein made, the United States agree to pay the Omaha Indians the several sums of money following, to wit:

1st. Forty thousand dollars per annum, for the term of three years, commencing on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five.