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Do you realize that neither of those two words, millionaire and tramp was in existence thirty years ago? Because the millionaire has so much and can make so much by taking advantage of the existing laws, he gets to thinking that the world was made for him to take his pleasure in regardless of the rights of others, and the worst of it is that the people gets to thinking so too, when they get to thinking that such a condition of affairs is inevitable. The rich [[strikethrough]] man [[/strikethrough]] become selfish, coldhearted, avaricious, grasping.
The condition of things brought about by laws enacted from wrong principles leads him to think that he need do nothing for humanity while all humanity must do everything for [[underlined]] him, [[/underlined]] who is really of no more account before the Creator than you or I. He forgets the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. He becomes a dead loss to the community, and not only that, he becomes a detriment.
He stands in the way of progress; he uses all his money, and all the power which his money gives him to keep the bad laws, through which he made his money, in existence, so that there shall be no change toward better condition for the rest of humanity.
He believes in corporations and monopolies because they want to keep conditions as they are, and [[underlined]] with [[/underlined]] them, he pours money in to the coffers of the two old political parties, for two old political parties are the machinery through which he and the corporations can do their work.
One of our Populist Senators, Allen of Nebraska, extracted from Havemeyer when the latter was before the Senate Investigating Committee, the admission, that the sugar trust had contributed to both the old parties, so that they could do as they pleased whichever party happened to