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come uppermost in their scramble for offices.
When we consider how vital the money question is to us all it s seems strange that we have allowed the financial policy of the nation to pass into the control practically of one man, John Sherman. He is one of of the ablest and shrewdest [[insert]] men [[/insert]] in the country. After having watched on the floor of the Senate almost day after day during the past year, after having compared the speeches he made at one time with those he made at another time, the speeches he made before election with those he made after his election, after comparing the statements he made at one time on the floor of the Senate with those he made on the same floor on the same subject and matter at another time; after looking at the character of all the money bills he introduced and engineered through Congress, I have come to the conclusion that he is a man without a conscience in regard to the interests of his fellow beings, and that he , for his own interest and those of his own class, deliberately brought about the present condition of things.
One of the most respected men of his own party, Teller of Colorado, got up on the floor of the Senate last spring and said that for years past Sherman had been in the habit of stating untruths on the floor of the Senate. What did Sherman do? That was the question we, who had heard Teller make the change, asked day after day for a week. Did he challenge the statement? Not all. He kept silence. There he showed his ability and shrewdness.
He did not want the matter made public, which it would be if he answered the charge, besides which [[insert]] the [[/insert]] charge could be proved.
Sherman is a tall thin man with delicately cut features which sharpen into eagerness only when the money question is brought on the floor.