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myself and now it seems just as though the government were trying to drown me, when he takes my land away from me. We have always been peaceful. The land is our own. We do not want to part with it. I do not think that I shall let the President have it. I have broken no treaties and the President has no right to take it from me." Campbell arose and said, "stop your talking; don't say any more. The President told me to remove you as soon as I got here. The President is going to send all the Indians to Indian Territory. He intends you to move first so that you can have your choice of the best lands there. You can do nothing. What the President has said will be done. I do not want to say anymore on this subject. The President says you must move; get ready." I answered, "when people want to do anything, they think about it first, talk about it with others, and than after deliberation, they decide. I want to think about it. I want to see the President and talk the