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ten of your chiefs to go to Washington; but he wants me first to take you to Indian Territory and see for yourselves so that you may select a piece of land there and then go on to Washington afterwards to talk it over." I answered, "we will go with you. If we are satisfied with the land we will tell the President so, but if we are not satisfied we will say so also." He then took us ten chiefs down there and left us in Indian Territory without money, pass or interpreters, in a strange country among a strange people, because we would not select a piece of land. He wished us to sign a paper saying that we would not, and asked to be taken to Washington as he had promised, he left us to find our way back alone on foot. We could not believe that he had been authorized to treat us with such indignity and we could not believe that the White people of the country would let such a wrong done in their name pass unnoticed; so on our return to the Omaha