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return home Campbell sent for us again. When we reached the place we found the soldiers there all armed and Campbell sitting by the side of an officer. I gave the treaty to the officer to examine. I said to him. "I have never done any wrong against the White people. I have never broken any treaties. Now what have I done that your soldiers stand here all armed against me? I have been working for my land. I have done that which I thought my duty. I believed that your soldiers were stationed here to protect me against all wrong and injury. Now show me what I have done that you stand here with your soldiers in arms against me? I have helped your soldiers. I have helped the White people who live around here. I have always been peaceful. When the Sioux carried off your cattle and horses and property, I have had it returned to you when in my power. I thought that you, at least, would help me in my time of trouble. Why do I find you here now armed against me. We had always believed that your government had ordered your soldiers to