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utensils, put them in their wagons, and pointing their bayonets at our people, ordered them to move. They took all our plows, mowers, hayforks, grindstones, farming implements of all kinds and every thing too heavy to be taken on a journey, and locked them up in a large house. We never knew what became of them afterwards. Many of these things of which we were robbed, we had bought with money earned [[insertion]] by the [[/insertion]] work of our hands. They promised us more when we should get down here, but we have never received any thing in place of them. We left in our own land two-hundred and thirty six houses which we had built with our own hands. We cut the logs, hauled them, and built them ourselves. We have now in place of [[insertion]] them [[/insertion]] six little shanties, built for us by the government. These are one story high with two doors and two windows. They are full of holes and cracks and let in the wind and rain. We [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] hear that our own houses which we left in Dakota