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have all been pulled down. To show how much the tribe have been robbed of, we will count the household possessions of a single one of our families in Dakota before we came down. 
Two stoves, one a kitchen stove and the other a parlor stove with all the accompanying utensils, [[insertion]] two bedsteads [[/insertion]] two plows and one double plough, one harrow one spade, two hayforks, one handsaw & one large two handled saw, one grindstone, one hayrake, a cupboard and four chairs. We have nothing but our tents and their contents composed mostly of clothing. The tribe owned two reapers, eight mowers, a flour and saw-mill. They are gone from us also. We brought with us thirty-five yoke of oxen; They all died when we got here partly from the effects of the toilsome journey and partly by disease. 
We have not one left. We brought with us five-hundred horses, and bought at different times after we arrived two-hundred more.