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We have now been here about two years, and during that time we have lost over six hundred, mostly by death; some were stolen by bad men. We have now not one-hundred left of the seven hundred. Our horses died either from the effect of poisonous weeds or disease. The tribe numbered sevenhundred when we started. Since we have been here over one hundred and fifty of my people have died.
[[strikethrough]] 38 [[/strikethrough]] When people lose what they hold dear to them, the heart cries all the time. I speak now to you lawyers, who have helped Standing Bear, and to those of you who profess to be God's people. We had thought that there were none to take pity on us and none to help us. We thought all the White men hated us, but now we have seen you take pity on Standing Bear, when you heard his story. It may be that you knew nothing of our wrongs and therefore did not help us.