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[[strikethough]] gone and [[strikethrough]] the the [[/strikethrough]] it was among the things of the past. I know ask the President once again, through this message which I send to all the White people of this land, to rectify his mistake. We have heard 
he does not say to himself "It does not matter", when he commits a wrong. [[/strikethrough]]

I have tried to deliver this message as faithfully as it was given to me. I am not certain of the names of the men who are mentioned throughout the transaction. I have written them as nearly as I could guess from the manner in which White Eagle and others pronounced them. I cannot refrain from mentioning here something said by White Eagle, my uncle, and others when I told them of the man who had been the means of bringing their wrongs before the attention of the people. "Daughter, we are very poor. We have been robbed of all we owned