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Sunday, Nov. 15/96
Morning cloudy. Nettie goes over to Dr & gets medicine for me. Quite poorly all day.

Monday, Nov. 16th
Morning feel a little better but stay at home and read proofs. Bartsch brings over the mail

Tuesday, Nov. 17
Go over to the Doctors in A.M. back home to lunch & spend the day reading proof. Evening go to meeting of church trustees.

Wednesday Nov. 18
Morning warm fair. Go over to the Doctors & home again. [[insertion]] Call on Stanley Brown [[/insertion]] P.M. go to survey and the to S.I. feel shaky but better. [strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] to mail & [[arrears?]]. Home, evening read.
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Close this book & begin new one.

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Jan 1. 1895.
Morning fair. Go to S.I. attend to routine matters. post clippings etc. and to mail. Home call on Mrs. Walcott and then to mother's & bring Nettie home. Evening at home.

Wednesday. Jan. 2
Morning dull; Go to S.I. work over mail and routine matters. Home, evening go to meeting of joint commission. Snows.

Thursday. Jan. 3
Morning. dull. Go to S.I. work over mail &c. and on Introduction. Home, Evening, Nettie gives a "chafing dish" supper and invites friends to meet the Russells.

Friday Jan 4
Morning fair. Go to S.I. Attend to routine matters. Work on Guppy's shells etc. Home. Go to Mrs. Hilgard's funeral as pallbearer (& add to my cold.)