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[[preprinted]] 4 [[/preprinted]] [[page written upside down]] Wednesday, Nov. 11/96 Morning cloudy warmer. Go to S.I. work over mail and proofs. Home. Mother and Rev. Mr Sunderland dine with us. Go to meeting of the Geological society. Thursday, Nov. 12th Morning cloudy. Go to S.I. work over mail, proof and drawings. Home, evening read. Friday, Nov. 13th Morning colder cloudy. Go to S.I. Return zittel proofs, work over drawings & Vancouver shells. Home Evening, feel badly and have a very sick night. Saturday. Nov. 14 Morning colder, fair. Fell a little better. Go over to the Doctor's and then to S.I. work over mail and go home early. Evening too ill to go out have a bad night. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 5 [[/preprinted]] evening read at home retire early and have an uncomfortable night. Saturday Jan 5/95 Morning colder. fair. Cellar flooded, send for plumbers. Go to S.I. work on mail and Guppys shells. Home, evening preside at meeting of Philosophical Society. Sunday Jan 6 Have a very bad cold. Mother lunches with us. Kennan call in P.M. & in the evening we go over to the Stanley Browns to dine with him and them. Monday. Jan. 7 Morning cloudy. plumbers still at work, cold very bad. Go to S.I. work on mail &c. and on classification. Home. evening read. Tuesday, Jan. 8 Morning cloudy & rain. Men still at work on the sewer. Go to S.I.