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Monday, Nov. 2. 1896
Morning work over proofs. Go to Gas office & S.I. work on proofs & L. cal collections. Have a bad laryngitis and feel miserable. Harriet Hyatt arrives. Nettie at whist club.

Tuesday, Nov. 3rd
Day fair. Go to S.I. work on mail drawings & L. Cal. shells. Cold very bad. Home, read and go down to Cosmos Club to hear the election returns from private wire.

Wednesday Nov. 4
Morning dull, cloudy. Miss Hyatt leaves us. Go to S.I. work over Ashmun's shells and proofs of Zittel. Home, evening read.

Thursday. Nov. 5
Morning rainy. Go to see Corning about tablet, then to S.I. work over mail & proofs. Cold still very bad. Home evening read.

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over classification. Home, evening go to Biological Society. Weather much colder.

Sunday Jan 13/95
Morning cold. Spend day at home reading & writing mother comes over to dinner. Evening at home.

Monday. Jan. 14th
Morning milder, fair. Go to bank & S.I. attend to mail. Holospira & classification. Home, Marion unwell evening read.

Tuesday, Jan. 15
Morning milder. Fair. go to Mertz, Davis and gas office, attend to mail, work on classification. Home, evening the Gilberts call

Wedensday, Jan. 16
Morning rainy. Go to barbers and S.I. work on classification and routine
Home, evening read Rafinesque.

Thursday. Jan 17
Morning fair. Go to Dr Richardson's