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Friday, Sept. 4/96
Morning fine. Reach Boston about noon Take luggage to Kneeland St. Station in cab. Go over to see Eustis who is out  Get pipe, lunch at Parker's. go to Howards Watch Co. and at 4.10 take train for Mattapoisett. Arrive about 6.0 and find Sadie, Nettie and the children at the station.

Saturday, Sept. 5
Morning, attend to mail. Drive out with Sadie, walk up to lighthouse beach.

Sunday, Sept 6
Work over proofs & letters. Take a walk. call on the Symonds.

Monday, Sept 7
Read proof. Get out walking. [[strikethrough]] Evening [[/strikethrough]] Take a ride with Sadie. Hear of Goodes very sudden death. Call on the [[?]]

Tuesday Sept. 8
Work on proofs. Rains. Take a walk write letters.

Wednesday. Sept. 9
Write letters and work on proofs. Evening call on Mrs. [[Seavey?]]

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Dr Richardson's then home, see [[Diller?]] then to bank & [[?]] Ethn. meet Committee there an then call at library, binders, etc. & to S.I. attend to routine matters, write letters see Dr. Mearns. Home, evening go to the Ogden's to bring Nettie home.

tuesday, Mar. 5/95
Morning, go to S.i. work over routine and Mearn's Report. home Evening read, the Winston's call.

Wednesday, Mar. 6
Morning fair. Go to S.I. work over the Sowesby box and other routine matters, and the Mearns report. Go to Cosmos Club and discuss the newby laws for the Joint Commission then home. Evening read.

Thursday, Mar. 7
Morning fair. Call on Mrs. Kennan Nettie not feeling well. Go to S.I. work over routine matters and