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Wednesday, June 10/96
Morning cooler cloudy.  Go to Muddiman's and S.I. pack things for Bernard. Work over mail & fossils. Home evening read. 
Thursday, June 11
Morning go to dentist & then to S.I. work over mail and fossils. Home, evening work with Nettie over arrangements for the summer.
Friday, June 12
Morning go to bank and ticket office, arrange for N's baggage and then to S.I. work over mail & fossils. Home early. Help Nettie get ready for starting. Evening Mrs. Rathbun calls.
Saturday, June 13
Morning, Get Nettie off by 10 A.M. train. Return to the house and then go to S.I. Attend to mail & work on fossils. Home Go to Mrs.

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to office and to safe deposit. then to S.I. attend to mail.  See Dr. Merriam. Later home. Mr. Purington and mother dine with us. Later Mr. Pilling calls.
Thursday, May 16/95 
Morning attend to packing, then go over to S.I. order coal, close up S.I. business. bid Prof. Langley & Goode farewell and then home.  Finish packing and call on Mrs. Pilling.  P.M. go to train and start for Tacoma with Purington & the Beckers.
Friday, May 17th
Arrive at Chicago 9 P.M. Take train for St. Paul, Minn.
Saturday, May 18
Arrive at St. Paul about noon. Go up town. get dinner. P.M. Take N.P. train for Tacoma
Sunday, May 19
On train, weather cool. get our meals in dining car.