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[[preprinted]] Headquarters Department of the Platte [[/preprinted]] 5

[[preprinted]] COMMANDING GENERAL'S OFFICE, [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] Omaha Barracks,, Neb.,...........187 [[/preprinted]]

more or less of their comrades. Such a fact is to be attributed to the event of suitable employment, to the craving for eminence among their fellows or, especially, to the general lack of tone of our system of dealing with them; yet in the face of all this, I will say, without hesitation, that our Indians have adhered more closely to the spirit of treaty stipulations than the white man or the white man's government has ever done.

The leading chiefs thoroughly understand the changed conditions of affairs, - They see that they can no longer depend upon game for their support, and are anxious to obtain cattle, seeds and implements and to have their children educated. They see the necessity of adopting the white man's ways and of conforming to the established order of things. But, I am very sorry to say, they have

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