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[[preprinted]] Headquarters Department of the Platte [[/preprinted]] 9

[[preprinted]] COMMANDING GENERAL'S OFFICE, [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] Omaha Barracks,, Neb.,...........187 [[/preprinted]]

in Military affairs - They don't want to understand it. All they know is that bands of white thieves boldly seize their ponies and drive them off, finding a ready sale for them among ranchers and cattle-herders.

For all this there is no redress, whatsoever. As I understand the law, we cannot even seize Indian property when found in the hands of well-known thieves. The Indian owner has the privilege of suing for recovery in the State Courts, but this would prove to be, in most cases, a very shadowy consolation.

It seems to me to be an odd feature of our judicial system that the only people in this country who have no rights under the law are the original owners of the soil; an Irishman, German, Chinaman, Turk or Tartar, will

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