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[[preprinted]] Headquarters Department of the Platte [[/preprinted]] 11

[[preprinted]] COMMANDING GENERAL'S OFFICE, [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] Omaha Barracks,, Neb.,...........187 [[/preprinted]]

frontier settlements, [[strikethrough]] pulverize[[/strikethrough]] ^[[punish]] him; but after he has been reduced to submission, protect him in life and property. Keep white thieves from plundering him, let him see that Peace means Progress; that he has a market for every pound of beef and every hide ^[[ and every sack of grain.]] and my word for it, he will make rapid advances.

Self-interest will impel him to imitate us, to send his children to school, to adopt our clothing, perhaps our language, and to devote his attention to raising cattle and horses and eventually to qualify himself for citizenship.

My letter has become longer than I intended, but I wish to add another remark. The Indian in his nature is in one respect the opposite of the Chinaman, The latter is frugal, even to abstemiousness and economical to the verge of perniciousness: the former, will

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