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in the Country, but would save millions of dollars to the Treasury, and the lives of many innocent whites and Indians.
On the 11" of July I left Tuscon with parts of (5) five Troops of Calvary and a company of (50) fifty Mexican scouts to operate against Cachise and, if unsuccessful, to march to Camp Apache and form an alliance with the friendly Indians there. On arriving at Camp Apache, being entirely successful in this undertaking, I left Captain Henry with (3) Troops of Calvary, to be accompanied by some of these friendly Indians as scouts to operate against hostile Indians on his march to Camp McDowell, Captain Henry reported this combination of the Indians with the soldier to exceed his most sanguine expectations; that the Indians were invaluable.

Very respectfully

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Your obedient servant
(signed) George Crook
Lieut Colonel 23d. Infantry
Boh Major General
Commanding Department
