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of shielding his friend HAYT, who alone was responsible for this cold blooded butchery.  HAYT ordered these Indians taken back to the Indian Territory, just as he ordered STANDING BEAR taken back, and under the present system the army has to obey his infamous orders.  The more I investigate this subject, the more that I am convinced that this man HAYT has taken more lives of innocent men, women and children by his inhuman and cruel orders than any man now living, not excluding the King of Dahomey himself.  The army is forced to execute his orders.  A soldier cannot ask the reason why, even though he is a general officer.  His duty is simply to obey.  When Mr. HAYT ordered the Cheyenne taken back to the Indian Territory he blackened his soul with all the blood which was shed in the effort to enforce that order.  The effort of Mr. BARSTOW to lay the responsibility upon Gen. CROOK is a malicious and cowardly thing.
  I endeavored in all my speeches and interviews to explain to the people of the East the true situation of the army in regard to the Indians, by showing that the Indians were in no measure under their control and that they were never called upon for advice, and that when an officer who had long served upon the frontier and was thoroughly acquainted with Indian habit and character, sometimes volunteered his advice it was always treated with contempt.  The use made of them was, when traders and thieving agents forced the Indians into war, the Indian Bureau would call upon the Secretary of War for troops and then the army was expected to whip the wronged and outraged Indians into subjection.  If the Indians submit to the army on conditions, as soon as the war is over they are placed under the commissioner, and he never fails to forthwith violate every condition of the surrender.
  There is great sympathy in the east for Chief JOSEPH, and the army is fearfully berated by some persons for their harsh treatment of him.  But who forced JOSEPH off from his reservation and then into war?  Why, Mr. HAYT.  Who violated the conditions of his surrender? 
Mr. HAYT.  JOSEPH surrendered on the conditions that he should ne allowed to go back to his old reservation in Idaho.  Commissioner KINGSLEY in his report says;
  "In surrendering to General MILES, one of the conditions asked of, and granted by that officer, was that he (JOSEPH) and his people should be allowed to return or taken back to Idaho, which agreement has been violated by superior commanding orders."
  From whence did those orders emanate?  From Mr. E.A. HAYT.  He has the blood of those Nez Perces who have died by slow torture in the Indian Territory upon his hands.  And yet Mr. BARSTOW attempts to throw the odium of this violated faith upon this army.  Gen. MILES petitioned for justice to JOSEPH in the following eloquent words:
  "As this people have been hitherto loyal to the government and friends to the white race from the time their country was first explored, and in their skillful campaign have spared hundreds of lives and thousands of dollars worth of property that they might have destroyed, and as they have in my opinion, been grossly wronged in years past, have lost most of their warriors, ponies, property and everything except a small amount of clothing, I have the honor to recommend that ample provisions be made for their civilization and to enable them to become self-sustaining."
  For years these Indian ring scoundrels have been working a sentiment in the East against the army, and have deceived the best friends the Indians have.  At the same time they have misrepresented the Indians in every imaginable way.[[Many?]]

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