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of the conditions asked of, and granted by that officer, was that he (JOSEPH) and his people should be allowed to return or be taken back to Idaho, which argument has been violated by superior commanding orders."
From whence did these orders emanate? From Mr. E. A. HAYT. He has the blood of these Nez Perces who have died by slow torture in the Indian Territory upon his hands. And yet Mr. BARSTOW attempts to throw the odium of this violated faith upon the army. Gen. MILES petitioned for justice to JOSEPH in the following eloquent words:
"As this people have been hitherto loyal to the government and friends to the white race from the time their country was first explored, and in their skillful campaign have spared hundreds of lives and thousands of dollars worth of property that they might have destroyed, and as they have, in my opinion, been grossly wronged in years past, have lost most of their warriors, ponies, property and everything except a small amount of clothing, I have the honor to recommend that ample provisions be made for their cultivation and to enable them to become self-sustaining."
For years these Indian ring scoundrels have been working up a sentiment in the East against the army and have deceived the best friends the Indians have. At the same time they have misrepresented the Indians in every imaginable way. Many think that Indians murder and scalp every white person that comes within their reach, and when I pointed to the fact that many agents have lived with their families for years among the Indians, hundreds of miles from a garrison or a single soldier, they expressed the greatest surprise.
The celebrated interviews with the Gen. CROOK, which first appeared in THE HERALD something over a year ago, and which were so widely copied, have been looked upon by many as a fraud. They could not believe that an army officer would so express himself. Some of the worst thieves who have robbed the Indians have been back East delivering lectures, telling how the poor Indians have been abused. These chaps never fail to give any officers a lovely dressing down. When one undertakes to tell how the Indian bureau use the army to rob the tribes, he has a mountain of prejudice to overcome.
Mr. HAYT devotes a large part of his last report to a personal attack upon Gen. CROOK, in relation to the Bannock outbreak. The fact was that, through the orders of Mr. HAYT, a large party of friendly Bannocks were surrounded and their ponies taken from them. Gen. CROOK insisted that these ponies should be returned to them, as they needed them for cultivating their farms. That was what excited the wrath of this American Nero. Mr. HAYT is at present planning another Indian war, and if he succeeds it will be one of the most bloody which America has ever witnessed. He is determined to force the remainder of the Nez Perces to go to the Indian Territory. Whenever that is attempted, look out for the last great stand which the Indian will make on this continent. Rev. Dr. ATKINSON, writing from Portland, Oregon, says: "The Indians learn that the Indian commissioner designs to force them from their homes to strange and rugged reservations. They have made small farms, built houses, got implements and tools and others means