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Department of the Interior
Office of Indian Affairs
Washington, DC. May 24, 1879.

I, Edwin J. Brooks, acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, do hereby certify that the paper here unto attached is a true and [[strikethrough]]litt[[/strikethrough]] literal copy of the minutes of the council held at the council room, Ponca agency January 7, 1877, between the Ponca chiefs and headman, E.C. Kemble, US Indian Inspector and others, giving consent to surrender of the lands of the Poncas in Dakota as the same appears of record in this office.
EJ Brooks
Acting Commissioner

Department of the Interior
Washington DC May 24, 1879

I, Carl Schurz, Secretary of the Department of the Interior of the United States of America, do hereby certify that Edwin J. Brooks, whose name appears signed to the foregoing certificate, is now, and was at the time of signing the same acting commissioner of Indian Affairs and that full faith and credit are due