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him to look upon it. I went to Washington and made a treaty and I got papers for it, but they sent you out here and told us to move. I feel [[hard?]] and the people are all thinking about what you have told them. I thought I had a big rock in the ground, in very deep and hard to pull out, but the Great Father wants it and to-day we have decided to give it into his hands. I will let him have it. There is no use talking so long. What you wanted you get to-day. If the Great Father looks on our children it will be all right. Still I am going to ask for these persons a little more. One thing, this land belongs to the people but the chiefs have decided it. The Great Father must take care of our children. When I will be in Washington I will want you then (Col Kemble, James Lawrence and Mr. Hinman) to stand by me to make a good treaty. If the land down there don't suit me I will complain to the Great Father about it.

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