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said, and so you have told us it would be. I agree to look from Omaha [[?]] Agency to Indian Territory until I find a piece of land to suit me. Our Great Father gave us this place, and I put down a rock, but the Great Father has told us to take it up. I am going to see the Great Father. You think you are helping me to day, but I want you to help me when I get there. There are nine bands and the land belongs to them. I would like one or two from each band to go and see the country. When I went to Washington to make the first treaty I did not know all what it was. I want some one along that knows black from white. We have got a father here, (the agent) and he has rations for us, but what we get we eat up in half a day. I want the money put into my band for the children to eat.

White Eagle, Great Chief
When you came the first time we two talked a good deal. If our Great Father had given you that message in the beginning we would not have talked

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