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they went to Washington they didn't have a clerk, and I wish to have George Howe along to do the work. It is four days since we had the first council. I did not have food to eat and my children are starving. Father Agent is helping us. The children and women are glad and they want their money and I want you to do that tonight or in the morning, that is, get it for them. That is all we have to say and I am the last to speak. If you have any thing to say, tell them.

Col Kemble said a few words congratulating them for having decided the matter and the counsel ended.

I certify that I faithfully interpreted the speaches made by the Indians at the council Jan. 27th 1877 and that the above minutes contain a correct report of [[overstrike]] them [[end overstrike]] the same.

Charles X Le Clair

Witness G. F. Barrett

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