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Minutes of a council held at the council room Ponca January 27th 1877, between the Ponca Chiefs and head men, and E.C. Kemble U.S. Indian Inspector, Rev S.D. Hinman [[insertion mark]] and U.S. [[insertion mark plus word and above text, both struck through]] Indian Agent James Lawrence. 

Present in behalf of the Poncas White Eagle, Standing Buffalo, Lone Chief, Standing Bear, Big Elk [[strikethrough]] The Chief [[\strikethrough]] The Chief, Smokemaker, Big Bull, Frank La Flesche, Black Crow, Big Soldier, Big Snake, Starts-to-run, Child Chief and other head men.

Inspector Kimble - This is the third day we have counciled and I hope you have made your minds. I gave you the words of your Great Father that he wanted a delegation to go down and pick out a home for your tribe in the Indian Territory. But I told you I could not take you down there until you consented to give up your lands here. You decided you would not talk about that until I got permission [[strikethrough]] from [[\strikethrough]] of the Great Father to take the delegation to Washington. You are to go to Washington.

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