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on our children it will be all right. Still I am going to ask for those [[reasons?]] a little more. One thing, this land belongs to the people but the chiefs have decided it. The Great Father must take care of our children. When I will be in Washington I will want you there (Col Kemble, James Lawrence and Mr. Hinman) to stand by me to make a good treaty. If the land down there don't suit me I will complain to the Great Father about it.

Big Snake First soldier.

Here I am, Chief's [[??]] man and we have decided it. The Ponca tribe have decided it. I am watching all whites and Poncas. How about the delegation, I wish you would [[take?]] fourteen down with you, ten Indians and four half breeds.

Child Chief - I am with the head men and I give it to them to decide.

Lone Chief, Third Chief
My friend you arrived here and you gave us the words of the

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