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[[strikethrough]] G [[\strikethrough]] Great Father. I feel uneasy about it and that is the reason I did not answer you. What the Great Father does, he does not do in a day but it goes on for a long time. When I have got the Great Father's hand I keep it and will not let go, you and the [[strikethrough]] g [[\strikethrough]] Great [[strikethrough]] f [[\strikethrough]] Father, whatever you do, it is all right. You fix it straight. You can see to day that the chiefs all take his hand. My friend you was sent here, but we wanted to see the Great Father and so we all consented. What was said to day, I gave to the chiefs and what I said I wanted as they had said, and as you have told us it would be. I agree to look from Omaha Agency to Indian Territory until I find a piece of land to suit me. Our Great Father gave us this power and I put down a sack, but the Great-Father has told us to take it up. I am going to see the Great Father. You think you are helping me to day, but I won't 

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