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of the larva have peculiarly modified marks viz. On 2 a black patch representing c-ch, surrounded by white, as the line cease before it.  s-s line on 2 (only) is black, On 11, the s-d line ceases & the 2 olivaceous lines join behind it, square [[image - parallelogram with the left end open, and with a horizontal line in the middle]] while the lat & supe stig become confluent. On 12 are 2 s-d & 1 lat. (covering spines) white patches, rounded, separated by black, the large lateral one wrinkled; On 13, 4 similar smaller patches (each side) the anal plate black, the first s-d patch on 12 contains a dark cloud
the d line runs through, but none of the others can be traced. There are on ant. edge of 2, before cervical spot, 2 white patches separated by black, similar to three in post. end of body

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[[underlined]] Molt Aug 13 [[/underlined]] Same but all the dorsal line alike, black.  W hd [[insertion]] (sh hd 2.0) [[/insertion]] min.
The cloud* in post s-d patch on 12 has become a black spot.
[[underlined]] Molt Aug 20 [[/underlined]] Same. Angular shade*, black* [[image- drawn above the word black]]
[white, 12 narrow black lines, below spiracles stem yellow with orange bands] the 3 lower [[insertion]] ^ super stig [[/insertion]] lines on each side are connected transversely by irregular black streaks. The feet black abd. outwardly 12 slightly enlarged, 13 small. Head partly retracted under 2 which is a little humped a black dot in the s-d patch on 13 [would not eat hot house Smilax. Left with Lister]
He put them in alcohol
[[underlined]] Hadena turbulenta [[/underlined]]
(auct Doll)

Transcription Notes:
I think Hadena turbulenta may possibly be a synonym as I can't find it in or other current taxonomy sites. -@siobhanleachman His description on the previous page seems to be similar to the species Phosphila turbulenta, so it may be a synonym for that. -@gpspaceman stig = stigmata, a kind of scale -@meg_shuler