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[[strikethrough]] [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] is black, giving the appearance of horns when there are none. Light green, whitish ventrally, [[/strikethrough]] a s-d purplish band, filled in over the dorsum with purplish from 5 to 13. Spine a sort of house folding partially edge of leaf like micro. [[underlined]] Other [[/underlined]] had dorsum green, shaded, with yellowish and faintly clouded with brown spottings. S-d line broken at [[?]]

Evidently [[underlined]] Platypteryx arcuata [[/underlined]]
(see [[Beutermille?]] Ent. [[Urna?]] V, 38)

[[underlined]] Imago [[/underlined]], April 18 1894
[[underlined]] Platypteryx arcuata [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Calc .62 1.00 1.61, 2.60 4.20 vat..62
Found - - 1.6 2..6 4.0-4.2 
405  [[blue x]]

[[underlined]] Heterocampa manteo. [[/underlined]] on white oak [[insertion]] and beach [[/insertion]] Plattsburgh Aug 29. Singly but some 15 on a small tree.
[[underlined]] Stage IV [[/underlined]] Like next. Hd. 2.6 mm.
[[underlined]] Stage V [[/underlined]] Hds 4.0, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 mm [^ [[insertion]] a big [[/insertion]] bilineata 3.3] Marked like [[underlined]] C. bilineata [[/underlined]] with same structure. Hd large, elliptical, clypeus small, sutures moderately impressed, higher than wide; light green with a black band bordered with white on ant. lat. L, zoning at vertex but narrowed; jaw brown, black at tip, a few black setae. Body green brown dotted, lat. s-v. a d yellow line; a broad s-d one white on its lower side, contiguous to d. on 3-4 ^ [[insertion]] 1 (separated from it by a [[crimson?]] line] [[/insertion]]
& retracted to [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] on 12. A narrow yellow stig. line. Anal feet red except at base alone where they 

Transcription Notes:
Lochmaeus bilineata