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* closed end is only a little higher and more pointed than the others. (1 coon on [[?]], 4 on back of leaf)

[[crossed out with blue squiggle]] forming diffuse clouded patches through which the d. line is less distinctly defined by white than elsewhere. Hair black & white [[/crossed out with blue squiggle]] mixed = "gray" Tho. feet brownish. Venter sordid white. Warts all pale some of [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] a little black tinged [[underlined]] Stage hd .8 [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] Sh hd .84, .87 [[/insertion]] Much the same, but pale, marks more brownish, clouded, d., ln scarcely continuous. Warts pale except [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] 7 which is black. A flattened rectangular little thing with fine short obscure pale hair. When "mad" it flops up at ant. end like a leaf eating beetle pupa [[underlined]] Stage hd .4 + [[insertion]]5 [[/insertion]] [[/underlined]] Hd pale yellowish, mouth darker Body light green [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] on 7 black brown with a small brown d. patch & faint broad greenish white d band. Warts pale: hair mostly pale, a few stiff dark ones. [[underlined]] Length 4 mm Molt Sept 9 [[/underlined]] New hd. .85 (Sh hd .6) [[underlined]] Molt Sept 21 [[/underlined]]. New [[underlined]] hd .8 Coon of little bits of leaf or paper, build up 2 walls but close them over all around so the 'coon is elliptical flat on base 7x2 1/2 in. Built as in [[underlined]] trinotata [[/underlined]] but the last *

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[in orange]] 3-16-94 [[/in orange]]
[[crossed out with orange squiggle]]
'Code on white oak [[insertion]] Quercus alba [[/insertion]] Plattsburgh Aug 31 (= the one from Esopus Island, BB 239) Shape of [[underlined]] H. fasciola [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] more elongate [[/insertion]] but icy blue-green. Elliptical, tail quadrate. s-v ridge prominent, sides sloping, s-d angle about 75˚, dorsum narrowing ant. & post, evenly arching. Subtranslucent, [[insertion]] [[cocucely?]] [[/insertion]] watery granular whitish (not yellow) green the color below the surface. A s-d white band along ridge edged above with green.. black. D & lat. blackish dots below surface, distinctly seen only centrally. Hd blackish on exposed parts [[overwritten]] 1 [[/overwritten]] , with 2 & 3 retracted below [[image - checkmark]] body.
[[/crossed out with orange squiggle]]

[[in orange]] Desc as y-inversa ? [[/in orange]]
Miss Morton says probably = y-inversa

[[line across page]]
[[underlined]] dead [[/underlined]] with hd .7 probably pathological
Imago May 13 1894 Cat. no. 10861

Transcription Notes:
I believe the text that seems to run onto the 2nd page from the 1st ("dead with hd .7 probably pathological"; see other transcriber's comment below) is actually a sentence on its own. I've transcribed it as such, putting it on the 2nd page. -@mnathan the last 4 lines of the page go over past the binding onto the next page. * at end of first page probably points back to the 2 lines in the margin at the top of the page