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70 Days
Again Aug 10 1895
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[[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] 
[[image labels]] [[underlined]] Ant [[/underlined]] Stage IV [[/image labels]]

[[blue strikethrough]] Egg on ^ [[insertion]] underside [[/insertion]] willow ^ [[insertion]] solitary [[/insertion]] Keene Valley N. Y. July 9 1894
White, not shining, 1 mm. (see before)
[[underlined]] Little one [[/underlined]] [[overwritten]] I [[/overwritten]] [[perusing?]] top side of poplar and [[/blue strikethrough]] rushed out part way off tip of leaf July 10 Hd round, light brown, shiny eye and mouth black, w. .5 ± Body smooth rather slender, pale greenish shaded with white on sides. A transverse black C-sh, 12 enlarged d, & slight [[?]] on 6. Tho. feet & leg plates 7-10 black, anal feet dark extended post. Setae fine [[short?]] from distinct black tubercles normal iv s-s post, vi absent. Body faintly brownish shaded s-v.
[[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] II [[/overwritten]] July 12 [[/underlined]] Hd high narrowed toward vertex [[flattened?]] before, smoky blackish mottled with pale in [[front?]] in two ill defined vertical bands. Body dark purplish with a blackish d. band, and a pale shade with side of the hump on 12 and slight pale lateral oblique line. Slight [[indentation?]] of prominece on [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] 6, tho. feet black setae short obscure, dark, w. hd 1.2 ± apparently a little less but over 1mm.
[[underlined]] July 20 [[overwritten]] III [[/overwritten]] Hd [[/underlined]] 1.7 ± ([[well?]] in stage) Sh hd 1.62
[[underlined]] Molt July 21 [[overwritten]] IV [[/overwritten]] [[/underlined]] New hd 2.35 Molt [[overwritten]] V [[/overwritten]] July 26 Hd 3.5
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411 [G.H.H. kept] = BB30
Acronycta oblinita? on alder, Plattsburgh. Hd black, clypeus white [[image - angle]]-marked. Warts large with short pale bristly hairs & elevated bases, close, almost forming elevated bands [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] minute, stig. post [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] elongate. Velvety black, warts ^ [[insertion]] [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] - [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] and [[confluent?]] areas around them lightly red. forming [[?]] red bands. A s-d white band broken into spots & [[?]] white flecks along the [[sides?]]. A broad bright yellow s-s band, deeply [[?]] above for each white spiracle narrowly connecting over wart [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]]. Venter & feet black Sides of head reddish. S-d row & spots obsolete at extremities.
([[At?]] 5 [[underlined]] oblinita [[/underlined]] see description)
Imago (G.H.H.) June 1894