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[[Pre-Printed]][[cut-out page]]
 Taxes and Insurance....
" Commission, Allowances and Discounts...
" Gas and Water...
" Repairs to Premises and Plant...
" Advertising, Stationery, Postage, 
Mercantile Agencies, Legal and court Costs, and Miscellaneous Expenses,
" Amount Written of Furniture, Samples, Fixtures and Cartage Plant...
" Bad and Doubtful Accounts - written of...
[[double lines on the left]]
                  [[on left]] Balanc
Factory Buildings and Leaseholds at Cincinnati, New York and Philadelphia, and City Lots in Indiana...$94,450 42
Machinery, Tools and Fixtures, as originally valued by Appraisers in April, 1892, plus subsequent additions...771,102 10
Safes and Vaults, sold or ready for sale, at estimated coast...419,713 54
Second-Hand Safes, inventoried at a conservative valuation...43,037 00
Safes and Vaults in process, and Materials at cost...352,737 73
Bills and Accounts Receivable...190,673 48
Cash on Hand and at Branches...3,591 81
                      [[summary line]]