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[[blue pencil strikethrough]]

[[underlined]] [[overwritten]] Molt Oct 6 [[overwritten]] [[/underlined]] [[blue pen]] VI [/[blue pen]] Hd retracted, [[suteus?]] marked, orange [[veluaceon?]], labrum & bases of antennae yellow w. 3 mm Body gray [[insertion]] punctured & [[/insertion]] wrinkled, intermingled - mostly of fine white streaks and minute black dots /. A not well defined white d. line with minute black dots in it. S-d line obsolete but its location marks a boundary where the color becomes darker gray laterally. Warts [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] - [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] [[conulavous?]], same pearly gray. Wart [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] orange. A bright yellow [[strikethrough]] narrow [[/strikethrough]] band [[insertion, right margin]] Traces of yellow lat. line [[/insertion]] s-s line. Warts [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] [[stying?]] ray [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] whitish [[insertion]] with bases yellow like s-s line. [[/insertion]] The feet orange like head and [[styling?]] orange [[strikthrough]] tinted [[/strikethrough]] Hair dense, even length, pointed bristly, heavily spirulated black & white about evenly mixed. From tho. segs. & 12-13 a few slender nearly smooth white hair of great length 15-17 mm. A neat silvery grey larva.
Other same but grey is 2 shades darker, & most of the hairs are black. S-v region pale, yellowish, with black s-v divided seg. patches. Difference caused mainly by the hair
[[underlined]] Sept 15 [[/underlined]] one coon Imagos June 1894
[[/blue pencil strikethrough]]