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Joint 2 granular, honey brown. Body (A) lemon yellow or (B) straw color the tubercles (A) yellow, tinged with orange on 3, 6-7, 9-10 or (B) vermillion red with a red band along the s-d line, laterally, along [[Lapisky?]] horns and along s-v edge. Four narrow dark purple lines in d-space, on a bluish white ground, the 2 central [[symbol for parallel]], the outer undulating to correspond with the location of the larger horns. Four similar lines in lateral space separated into 2 pairs by a (A) yellow or [[circled]] B [[/circled]] vermillion band, only slightly undulating. A similar single pair of lines enclosing the spiracles, the one below them the most distinct & separated from the sticky venter by a (A) yellow or (B) vermillion band. On 13, close behind the super-S. horn of 12 a depressed pale area with purple border. Ant edge of 3 purplish. Circular spiracles brownish Size 18 x 7. Horns on 8, 2.5-4 mm. Imago June 1894
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Calc .41 .58 .83 1.2 1.7 2.4 3.4 4.9 vat.70
Fd 1.7 2.4 3±
420 (J. Doll)
Arctia virgo (?) with big life like shed hides [[underlined]] Ash hd 1.7 [[/underlined]] All just like next stage. ** [[underlined]] Stage hd 2.3 [[/underlined]] ± Hd rounded. quadrate, [[medium?]] suture well marked at vertex, shiny black. basal joint of antennae pale salmon Body velvet black, immaculate, abd [[fat?]] reddish. Warts large, shiny black. Has very bristly, [[barb?]]-cleft, short but dense black with a few long paler hair post. [[insertion]] [[Length?]] 25 [[?]] [[/insertion]] S-v hair from [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] - [[circled]] 6 [[/circled] foxy red. Tho feet black [[underlined]] Molt Sept 26 [[/underlined]] (Sh hds 2.4*, 1.7†) New hd 3- Same, but the feet reddish like abd. Spiracles white Median suture of hd. pale. labrum whitish Long hair post. Also black as others. (Sh. hds, same ones, by caliper†{1.90, 2.18, 1.84, 2.14}*) †Smashed? (""" [[underlined]] 1.64, 1.74 [[/underlined]] **) [Seem to be hibernating - Oct. 11, 1893] [[underlined]] Put in the ice box - Oct 13 - [[/underlined]] Died

Transcription Notes:
Blue squiggly line drawn across top 1/4 of text on the first page. Ditto marks on the second page refer to the text, "Sh. hds, same ones, by caliper".