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[[strikethrough - blue pencil]] [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] on anal plate & [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] on 5 & 13 which are white. Large spiracles black. * thicker & with more branches In another example the bases of many
[[/strikethrough - blue pencil]] of the processes are white. [[underlined]] Stage hd 6.2 mm [[/underlined]] [A mat. [[underlined]] regalis [[/underlined]] new head 7.0 mm] Others 6.4, 6.5. Hd as before, but the pale
area around the mouth spreads over the side of the lobes; ocelli black. A few very short, but bristly setae. Processes & tubercles all proportionately much shorter than before, the longest ones scarcely more than 1/2 as long as the corresponding ones in [[underlined]] C. regalis [[/underlined]], the branch reduced to short conical prominences each with a very short spine at tip. Tubercles [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] on feet & anal plate, shorter rounded with small setae. Coloration much as before but the body is paler appears to have been blackish [[lines?]]. A whitish stig shade. Spiracles large, black. Tho. feet
& anal plate partly pale. [[symbol - check mark]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[blue pencil]] Sept 16 1893 [[/blue pencil]]

422 (J. Doll)

[[strikethrough - blue pencil]] 
Alcholoic [[underlined]] Diademia [[insertion]] Deidamia [[/insertion]] inscriptum. [[/underlined]] Head rounded, nearly square as seen in front, median suture depressed above the clypeus over vertex. Slightly [[granular?]] [[/strikethrough - blue pencil]] green with a yellowish line from base of antenna up to vertex of lobe at one side, joining the s-d line on the body. W. 3.6 mm Body cylindrical, decreasing slightly & gradually in size from joint 5 to head. 12 a little enlarged with a [[modest?]] normal horn with rudimentary granulation. Segments rather finely 8-annulate. Green finely dotted with yellowish especially on the side with a pale s-d line which runs evenly till 12 when it bends up and ends at base of horn. Spiracle white with a narrow black edge at each side, but none above & below. Tho feet pale testaceous [[Subanal?]] plate scarcely corneous, pointed behind. Plate on anal feet not distinct

Transcription Notes:
The instructions say not to worry about formatting, so I've removed the line breaks that a previous transcriber consistently used. -@mnathan