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An eversible blackish gland on 2 just above base of the foot [[blue checkmark]]
[[blue wavy strikethrough]] on 8-9 traces of d. line and black shaded s-d marks especially on 6-8, 10 Marks ill defined and difficult to describe. Larva [[/[blue wavy strikethrough]] rests on leaf near end on upper side, head & tail moderately elevated. Eats whole leaf.
[[vertical wavy blue strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Stage II hd .6 [[/underlined]] Hd pale brown dotted with darker with a transverse pale line above middle, bilobed [[checkmark]] Tubercles pale with enlarged bases, especially s-d pair on 3-4, setae short. 13 with lateral ridge and short upturned process on anal plate. No anal feet. Body varied with brown and white & yellowish; the pale color predominatly on 2, 5, 8-9 and 11. [[blue ^]] Larva rests on upper side of leaf near top on a surface from which it has eaten the upper epidermis & parenchyma A few threads spun along the teeth [[/vertical blue wavy strikethrough]]

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[[wavy blue strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Sample [[/underlined]] { .3 (lost) .6 sh hd, new hd 1.05
{sh hd 1.05 new hd 1.5 ±
[[underlined]] One molt [[/underlined]] (Sh hd 1.6) New hd 2:2 & Same
of leaf, but no sign of a house. [[/wavy blue strikethrough]]
(Molt sh hd .6, new head 1.1 ±)
[[wavy and straight vertical blue strikethroughs]]
[[underlined]] Stage [[overwritten]] I [[/overwritten]] hd .3 [[/underlined]] Hd round, notched from behind at vertex, dark blackish brown, setae very short, pale with glandular tips; a short thick process on end of anal plate bearing 2 setae i-ii nearly in line iii above spiracle, iv below & behind v ant below; no more seen, a small black leg plate. Body somewhat lumpy, segs obscurely 3-annulate lumping rather irregular, color brown, blotched with white, forming distinct patches on 5, 8, 9 and 11 Same lateral dots the whole length and on the slight dorsal elevation of 12 and on edge of anal plate. [[Larva?]] rests on its [[pink?]] surface [[near?]] tip [[partly obscured]] 4 in a string on the bark of a [[partly obscured]]  near base [[purple X]] of a leaf. Elliptical [[partly obscured]] above and below and sunken