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and 3/4 from contents of al. canal. Tubercles normal. iv stig. post. v s-v ant (vi absent) 2 setae on base of leg, black, slightly elevated with long distinct dark setae, taper pointed smooth. Feet all present, but the 2 ant pair abd ones are smaller than the others. Joint 12 quite thick. Hd pale brownish ocelli 6, black; a few hairs.
[[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] II [[/overwritten]] July 2 [[/underlined]] Setae normal black vi present; iv stig post, perfectly normal, single. Greenish white opaque, not shiny, 2 ant pair of abd feet much smaller than the others. No marks except a faint dusky superstig. line 
July 6 a d. and lat broken white line. Hd .5± [[insertion]] (Sh hd .55) [[/insertion]] Hd. .5 [[plus or minus symbol]] 13 ant with a great smooth hump so that it looks like head end. 2 last pen of [[undal?]] abd feet nearly absent. Body

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green tubercle minute black.
[[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] III [[/overwritten]] July 9 [[/underlined]] Green, a blackish stig. shade edged white below with traces of d and s-d white lines. Eggs black, mouth brown. 12 enlarged folded. feet on 7 & 8 small (sh hd .8)
[[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] IV [[/overwritten]] July 16 Hd [[/underlined]] green eyes black. w. 1.3 ± Body green, tubercles. d. s-d and broader stig. line narrow white all bordered by a blackish shade, the sd i stig lines on upper side only. s-d line under-late. C-sh & 13 post & feet clear green 2 ant abd feet still smaller but only a little
[[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] V [[/overwritten]] July 23 [[/underlined]] Same first Hd 1.8 ± partly under 2. green with smoky blackish mottlings over the lobes. Body soft leaf green, an obscure whitish d. and stig. line. Irregular, mottled smoky virious streaks border these and later over surface, becoming prominent as oblique lines between d. L traces of s-d lines. Mottling slight S-V. 2 ant virious tinged 12 a little enlarged. Feet normal (Aug 5)

Transcription Notes:
I'm thinking the s-d, s-v, ant., etc. maybe are referring to anatomical directions. Medial, lateral, dorsal, ventral, anterior, posterior, etc. In veterinary, at least, these can be combined into one word, or a dashed-term to say which orientation an x-ray was taken (from the side it started, to the side it ended), or something like that. - GigglePop