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i and ii on 12 [[form?]] a distinct square
[[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] [[image caption]] [[underlined]] Ant [[/underlined]] [[/image caption]] alike. 12 enlarged dorsally
[[underlined]] On July 4 [[insertion]] III? [[/insertion]] [[/underlined]] Body pale greenish 12 a little enlarged feet apparently all alike [[Tubercles?]] very large black with fine setae, normal vi present. C-Sh, tho feet and leg plates black. Faint indicating of whitish s-d and stig. lines. Hd black except a greenish patch at side of each lobe and labrum. [[insertion]] (Sh hd .85) [[/insertion]] W .9 mm
[[underlined]] Molt July 8 [[/underlined]] Head shiny green, W. 1.5 ± Body green, tubercles black large [[?]] A s-d white shade fills in between ad-d an lateral [[line?]] [[spirals?]] black ringed. A broad white s-s line
[[underlined]] Molt July 13 [[/underlined]] Hd testaceous brownish with black frontal tubercle [[image - triangle]] eyes or connected [[bits?]] black [[bands?]] & black [[image - triangle]]. W. 3 mm ± Body whitish green ^ [[insertion]] luta white [[/insertion]] a broad stig rusty orange band. Feet, tubercles large black and body [[?]] with s-d [[1?]] lat. whitish lines, or all but 4 pale lines filled in with black (desc. not full but [[covered?]] points) On 5-11 a red d. blotch cut by black lines shading down (dead)
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[[in red]] July 10 1900 [[/in red]]
[[red strikethrough]] Eggs laid by [[underlined]] Euphanessa mendica [[/underlined]] night of June 25-6, Keene Valley, N. Y. 1894 Suspended in a slender silken fibre which runs from one object to another so that the egg swings free in the air, elliptical, flattened slightly on [[the?]] opposite sides but not so much as usual, slightly shiny pale yellowish [[?]] color like wings of moth: .8 x .6 x .5 mm Under 1/2 in. the reticulation are represented only by rather [[remote?]] shallow dents, just indicated and only enough to give shadows. The whole surface is [[?]] very finely but distinctly sharpened the [[?]] flattened [[?]] all quite regular, rounded The suspending fibre merely adheres to the egg, = sticky secretion of oviduct? Eggs very delicate, smash easily Color changes to pinkish yellow [[/red strikethrough]]