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458 = 227
[[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] [[image caption]] Ant. [[/image caption]]
Nisoniades larva stage I in a little house on [[underlined]] willow [[/underlined]] of a piece cut out of a leaf except a small [[hinge?]] and fastened over with threads. Hd slightly cordate, black with white setae. Body pale yellowish with faint green tinge; not shiny, setae white with enlarged tips, as illustrated; vi absent, no secondary ones (June 26 1894)
[[underlined]] Molt June 27 [[/underlined]] Segs about 5-[[annulate?]] thickly covered with little setae with [[ball?]] tips like those of stage I all alike apparently, obscuring original ones entirely, same on hd but shorter shaft. Hd cordate, black.
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[[start page]]
[[insertion]] Whitish not yellow green like 443 and of this abnormal shape [[/insertion]]
Little [[whacking?]] looping noctuid [[?]] [[jumring??]]on apple K.V. June 27 1894 [[?]] 3-6 large out of [[proportion?]] 7-13 small so that legs look [[post?]]. [[2 front pair?]] of abd feet small, anal pair flat, slightly divergent. [[?]][[Nourishment?]] whitish with faint green tinge, covered with white elevated dots and an [[?]] white S-d line Tubercles normal for noctuid iv stig. post v, vi s-v, a few seta on legs; setae short brown, [[tips?]] white [[forming?]] the dots with a few other supplementary dots without setae.
[[underlined]] [[Moult 5?]] [[/underlined]] Get thick and fat, thickest 3-4 small post. Leaf green thickly covered with distinct rather large white dots sit flat on back of leaf. Hd same as body but less green. Ash. hd 1.8 Feet [[nearly?]] alike. Spiracles brown ringed

Transcription Notes:
It would be good to know what the word is following on "looping noctuid". Can't be jumpring.