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(Zella 4) H. thysbe [[written sideways]] [[Enor.?]] = another bigger sphinx in Stage I Herman has a lot of 2° Ys in II[[/written sideways]]
[[image - lateral view of a single segment of a caterpillar's body]] Ant [[/image - another lateral view of a single segment of a caterpillar's body]]
Little [[Herman's?]] sphinx hatched from egg on [[underlined]] Viburnum lentago [[/underlined]] at Keene Valley NY. June 30 1894. Larva white with greenish tint centrally. [[horn?]] black. Tubercles normal, [[layer?]] furcate setae, vi absent. On 12 i is brown on the horn which has no other primary tubercles on it; ii behind, the rest seeming normal but difficult to separate from those present on 13 ant, especially in s-v region. Egg elliptical, just irregular. smooth [[strikethrough]] Stage II setae [[underlined]] same [[/underlined]] but short i [[crossed out text continues horizontally to top of page]] no secondary ones, glandular [[?]] only like those on horn in stage I [[/strikethrough]] [[/end horizontal text]] 
[[end page]]

[[start page]] 466
[[image - lateral view of a single segment of a caterpillar's body]] Ant
[[underlined]] Pieris rapae [[/underlined]] on cabbage from the hotel garden Keene Valley, N.Y. Hatched July 1894 i, ii, iii with conical bases; setae long slender with glandular tips. iv, v in line, connected by a slight fold, distinct, the tips just faintly glandular (vi absent) One on outside [[fort?]] and one in front, not glandular. iv is much shorter than v and though evident in the view from above is seen with difficulty from the lateral aspect, though I finally positively saw it.