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467 [[underlined]] Hyphantria [[/underlined]] cunea on willow [[image - pencil sketch of insect segment]] [[image label]] [[underlined]] Ant. [[/underlined]] [[/image label]] Keene Valley. N. Y. Hatching July 2 1894 Setae single, with pointed ends and barbed, iv below the spiracle and a little posterior. vi present, rather small, all normal. Head, feet, tubercles, setae, [[c-sh?]] and anal plate all black; body yellowish. [[end page]] [[start page]] 468 [[image - pencil sketch of insect segment]] [[image label]] [[underlined]] Ant. [[/underlined]] [[/image label]] [[underlined]] Spilisoma virginica [[/underlined]] few eggs of moth resting on willow near brook, hatched July 3 1894 Keene Valley, N.Y. Tubercules large, blackish, setae pointed barbed ii and iii black, i, iv and v white (vi absent.) Head and leg plates scarcely colored Body honey yellowish, no marks
Transcription Notes:
Hyphantria - Tiger moth