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[[ [[underlined]] 06016 [[/underlined]] ]]

276 Montrose Ave
Toronto Ont. Can.
Aug 5th 24.

[[underlined]]For Prize Contest.[[/underlined]]

W. Atlee Burpee Co   

Dear Sirs

It is difficult to put into a letter of 200 words all I would like to tell you about my garden which is practicaly a "Burpee" garden.

I had heard of the reliability of Burpee's Seeds so when in 1922 we moved to a new home and had to make a new garden, borrowed a Burpee Seed Catalogue and sent for their collection of seeds of perennials and started my permanent garden.

To hide an ugly fence we planted the Hollyhocks and these today by measurement are 9 ft 5 in high and ablaze with blossoms; nearby; the glorious blue of Delphinium and Anchusa, scarlet of Lychnius, and the Shasta Daisy. (the blossoms of latter being 4 1/2 in across) make an enchanting sight.

Among the annuals, the Calendula in every shade of yellow, and the Crimson Coreopsis a mass of rich velvet are a delight.

What have Burpee's Seeds done for me? Burpees Seeds have always come up for me.  Burpees Seeds have in poor unprepared soil grown for me and reached perfection. Burpees Seeds have beautified my home exceedingly and have given me more pleasure than words can tell.

Most sincerely Yours
(Mrs) Edith J Smith